November 11, 2008

time flies when you're having fun

Life goes on despite no blog updates. Rest assured I have news of my adventures.

Charlie is growing and slowly getting stronger. He weighed in @ 3.03 kg 6 weeks ago. Now he is 5.7kg and still very scrawny. I had very little idea of how old he was but now his adult K9s are coming in so my little dude is 5 months. Looks like he is going to stay pocket sized! I even got a pet for my pet. PAWS is the student rescue group on campus/St. Kitts and I soon became a foster home. Oscar is a Ridgeback mix. At 11 weeks he is almost twice the weight of Charlie and will probably end up being 50 or 60 pounds. They have a grand time chasing and wrestling with each other as puppies do. These pups are up for any adventure and did the volcano expedition this past weekend. The day was nothing less than perfect as there is nothing greater than being in the woods with your pooch!

Every new place has its own little hitch-hikers. My first was a rather benign little fungus called Tinea versicolor. It is a mild skin fungus with tropical preferences that does nothing more than make tanned skin look something like a Dalmatian with reversed light/dark.

My second hitch-hiker was a virus that overstayed its welcome quite a bit. Dengue Fever is transmitted by a particularly sly mosquito that seems to be living in my back yard. Im not normally a fan of mosquitoes thanks to a trip on the Green River but I also tend to live harmoniously with critters as long as they don't reach swarm-like proportions. Someone asked me when and where I got bit and I laughed. How the heck should I know exactly which one was the culprit. Should I ask it before it bites? Anyway, a trip to the Emergency Room in a 3rd world country was not exactly my idea of a fun cultural experience. After my release the fever and pain continued for over a week. In total I missed almost 2 weeks of classes. Ugg. Ross encouraged me to go home and start the semester over in January. In typical Laura fashion I decided I have to at least try and finish out the semester. It is still not clear if I will be able to pull this off. As always, time will tell =-)

Hurricane Omar was a fun change. Every day with 85 and sunny gets a little old. I never quite realized how wonderful changing weather actually is. Perfect sun is great on vacation but in practice it is incredibly dull and boring. So to have a storm in our midst was exciting. Everyone began their day as normal knowing there was a little mischief in the area and by lunch time they announced the hurricane status. By sun down every house was boarded up, gas turned off, and ready for the power and phones to be turned off. Not may hurricanes pass by this little island but it certainly seemed like everyone knew what to do. No frantic rushing to the grocery store, hardware store, or gas station. It was amusing to see it handled better than any hurricane landfall in the US. It never actually hit us but the next morning there were traffic jams all over the island because every car that could be driven was being used to check out the damage. Very funny.

1 comment:

Sas said...

Ah, to use your blog as a distraction from Immuno. What joy. (note my TWO entries from today, I'm all about distractions!)

Glad you're all better and decided to stick it out with us....

:) Sas