February 17, 2010

Camping on the Peninsula

Some mornings you wake up and wonder 'what the heck am I doing here?!?'
.....this was not one of those mornings


Anonymous said...

Is this a picture of St. Kitts? It is gorgeous. I stumbled upon your blog while I was looking for information about Ross University. I am thinking of applying to the school for admission in Jan 2011. I have no doubt that Ross will provide the education I need to become a successful veterinarian and I am looking forward to embark on a new adventure; however, I am a bit concerned about safety and living situation on St. Kitts. I'd very much appreciate it if you can give me some inside scoop or advice as a current student. Please e-mail me at hazelnutandtawnyowl@gmail.com when you get a chance. Thanks!

CaptainPlanet said...

I am SO glad you started posting again! I am living a tropical life vicariously through you.
Keep them coming :)